Registration Guide

Registration Guide | 注册指南

ICFOST 2024 accepts registration fee in USD or RMB. Registration fee covers all conference sessions, conference document, meals and reception. Cost of accommodation is not covered by registration fee. You will need to book your accommodation separately by visiting the Venue & Accommodation page. The conference registration fee table:

Type Regular
Registration Normal rate 580USD/4200RMB
Registration Student rate 520USD/3750RMB
Registration Committee Member rate 550USD/3950RMB
Other Items:
Abstract Registration (Onsite oral presentation only) 400USD/2850RMB
Registration Listener rate 300USD/2150RMB
Paper Registration Each Additional Paper 380USD/2750RMB per one
Paper Registration Each Overlength Page Fee 50USD/350RMB per page
Extra Proceedings 80USD/550RMB

Terms and Conditions

• The registration fee includes cost of conference material, attendance at conference sessions and forums, lunches, morning and afternoon tea, and arranged dinner.
• Registrations should be online, using Visa or Master credit/debit cards or Paypal, and via the portal provided above. All transactions will appear on your bank statement as payment to “ICFOST 2024”.
• Each paper requires one presenting author registration and the presenting author registration has to be completed by the author registration deadline. According to the requirements, all papers should be presented at the conference before they can be considered for publication.
• Registrations will not be processed or confirmed until payment is received in full.
• If the length of paper exceeds 5 pages, the cost of each extra page is 50 USD or 350 RMB. The maximum length of the paper allowed is of 8 pages.

To pay in Chinese Yuan (RMB):

ICFOST 2024国际会议也接受国内银行转账汇款 (汇款信息请联系会议负责人

备注:汇款单请附言备注“ICFOST 2024+“论文编号“, 银行汇款后, 参会人员务必将回单扫描或拍照后,与会议注册表一起发送到会议邮箱。邮件标题格式: “ICFOST 2024注册”+“参会人员姓名”+“论文编号(if applicable)”。

Payment Receipt: (发票/收据)

When the registration confirmed, an official receipt will be issued, you will receive the hard copy receipt together with all conference materials at the conference spot.
If you need the receipt before the conference date, we can send you the scanned verion or post you the hard copy (You need to cover the postage)

Returns and Cancellation

• Cancellations must be received in writing (email) to the Conference Secretary. Cancellations will not be deemed to be received until you have written confirmation from the Conference Secretary. 
• Cancellation before October 15th, 2024 will be acceptable, 70% refund for cancellations received before and on September 15th. There will be no refunds for cancellation after October 15th, 2024.
• The losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liabled and refunds policy shall not apply as well.
• The organizing committees reserves the right to change the dates and place of the conference due to force majeure.

Property Safety

• Please take care of your safety and all personal belongs, and wear your name tags during the whole conference. No responsiblity or liability is accepted by conference organizer in respect of any loss or damage.